“To support our customers continuously in upkeeping their electrical and radio equipment by providing technical assistance, high quality spares and accessories, indigenisation, research and development and innovative solutions with quick and finest level of care”

Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System - Senses temperature and humidity, displays in a remote outdoor display, alerts the user through sms alerts in mobile phone.

Waveguide Drying Unit
It dries waveguide section of any radar by injecting adjustable pressurised dry air.

Container Charging Gun
This is a specialised valve opener gun for use in fuel tanks.

Transmitter Blowing Device
This device is used for blowing of microwave devices in radar transmitter using clean, dry air to remove dust and moisture.

Air Primer with Pressure Regulator Assembly
Storage bank of cylinders for compressed air with pressure regulator assembly and pressure gauge is used to charge air tanks precisely and safely up to rated pressure limit

RF Coaxial Adaptor
These adaptors are used in different circuits of radar and other radio equipments for measurement and testing.

Computer Hardware and Software
Computer Hardware, accessories and servicing including software programming support.